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I think one of the strengths in Google's corner is its ease of use.

I grew up before the PC. My school got the very first ones when I was a senior in High School. Apple II's. They didn't do much, but they were amazing. And I remained an Apple loyalist for a very long time. Mac desktops, macbooks, iphones, ipads, the whole nine yards. And I loved those things.

But, Google came out with GMail. And it was so much better than what I was using before that I adopted it. And slowly, very slowly over time, Google replaced Apple for me. I don't use MS Word anymore, I use Google Docs. The iphone has been replaced with a Pixel, and while the Macbook Air remains on the shelf, I'm typing this on an HP Chromebook. And all of this integrates and works together perfectly. More seamlessly than Apple. This I know from daily experience because Mrs. Bailey continues to her dedication to the Apple ecosystem.

I have to think that for the average consumer, Google products are just plain easy to use. And that ease of use is a tremendous strength that Google has while it moves forward into more challenging areas.

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