What Does a Digital Anthropologist Do?

It’s a question I’m often asked. Basically, I am a cultural anthropologist and I apply my education and experience to the digital world. I work at the intersection of culture and technology. That said, let’s clarify two things here.

Culture: Is not just music, art and literature. It includes much, much more. Culture in fact, is the methodology Homo Sapiens chose to survive many thousands of years ago. It includes aesthetics (arts, architecture, design), kinship systems (family, community), beliefs (religion), systems of reciprocity (economics), social structure and so on. It is the knowledge we use to live everyday.

Anthropology: It is definitely NOT about ancient societies and old bones. In part it is, but there are economic anthropologists, design anthropologists and more. Including digital anthropologists. Anthropology is the study of what it means to be human, in the past, now and the future.

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If you’re at all interested about the impacts of technology on human societies and cultures, hopefully I will provide some insights. While I have a good sized Medium audience, I’m engaging on Substack. With audience growth I may look to monetize, but for now, my content is free. Feedback and thoughts always appreciated as long as they’re thoughtful and considerate. That whole, do unto others thing…

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How humans will survive the digital age using culture


Digital anthropologist | I'm in WIRED, Forbes & National Geographic and regularly interviewed in international news media on the intersection of culture and technology.